The Godfather of Grapes, Tony Alto, has died, and you mooks have been invited to the reading of the will.
Watch as six almost professional actors present this hilarious story of jealousy, intrigue, murder, and whatcha macallit… malapropisms. What!? Don’t know what a malapropism is? Well, fuhgetaboutit! Just buy some freakin’ tickets, and enjoy yourselves.
Tell ’em Big Frankie sent ya!
We are presenting six dinner entrees featuring your pick of either, Roasted Turkey, Homemade Meatloaf, Slow Cooked Pot Roast, Blackened Pesto Salmon, Surf & Turf, BBQ Ribs & Chicken Strips.
a dinner salad, and a choice from the following sides: (French Fries, Seasonal Vegetables, Italian Green Beans with Bacon, Red-Skinned Mashed Potatoes with Country Gravy, Garlic Parmesan Toast, Creamy Grits, Baked Potato with Sour Cream, Onion Rings, or Homemade Cole Slaw), as well as somethin’ to wash it down like coffee or tea or soda. If you wanna booze it up, then that’s extra between you and the server! Your admission fee includes your meal, server’s gratuity, and a complete dinner show!
You even get a dossier so you can play Jr. Detective and later ask questions of the suspects and/or bribe them for clues. The best detective gets a prize.
Admission $65. No refunds after 7 days prior to show date. Tickets are transferable. Seating is limited.
So whattya waiting for?
For Tickets: Here’s the link to The Altos!
You still got questions?
Write us at fuhgettaboutitfrankie@gmail.com